Partly Facetious : Appointment of Ismail as governor
"Imran Ismail says he will form a bridge between the provincial and the federal government."
"Ha ha ha."
"It's not a joke, that is precisely the function of a governor who is a representative of the federation and..."
"I am laughing because I was reminded of the recently collapsed Morandi bridge, near Genoa, Italy, taking many lives and no I am not laughing because of loss of life but because the bridge appeared solid to me and yet it had serious structural deficiencies and..."
"What do you mean?"
"Ismail like Nabeel Gabol looks solid if you know what I mean..."
"Solid as in physically solid or..."
"Physically solid, the two men obviously like food, but overweight people are prone to structural deficiencies..."
"Hey, don't compare Ismail with Gabol, Ismail is a singer, a soprano..."
"How dare you! Soprano is the highest female voice! Wait, don't tell me you were implying that Ismail is one of the Sopranos - you know the popular television show on mafia bosses and..."
"The girth is kinda similar to some of the Sopranos, but no, I wasn't referring to the television show. Maybe you meant Ismail is a baritone."
"How can you possibly refer to him as a baritone? A baritone is the most common male type voice and even if the Governor will no longer live in the Governor's mansion yet he will still be governor!"
"So what is he? A tenor, that is the male equivalent of a soprano I guess."
"Yes, agreed, but Ismail is not a bridge I reckon he is a road bump, you know when you have to slow down or else seriously damage the underside of the car..."
"The damage depends on who constructs the road bump. Some road bumps in our country are as per international standards while some are so badly constructed that....that they remind me of that bridge in Italy."
"Oh shush, so who could be a good bridge?"
"Maulana Fazlur Rehman says he is the joint opposition's bridge..."
"Hmmmm, another Morandiiiiii..."
"What about Khawar Maneka? He abused a police officer for daring to stop his car and then had him transferred..."
"Khawar Maneka is a bridge between... between who? Surely, you are not implying that he remains a bridge between the Leader of the House and the now First Lady! For your information the Maneka family is influential, not as influential as the Khan these days, but influential and so perhaps he didn't use his... his..."
"Perhaps, it's funny though that The Khan's blood relatives have all kind of disappeared from the scene while the First Lady's..."
"The Khan does need to do something there but as I said before give him time!"
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